EPSG:3575 projected bounds

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I've been trying to find out what the projected bounds are for EPSG:3575 but have not been able to find a definitive answer. Normally, I'd just use the values from EPSG.io but when I tried these in mapserver and geowebcache they both threw back error messages saying 'min x, miny, max x, max y not valid'. I've also tried the values from spatialreference.org and whilst these are valid, the cache gridset I created in GWC then did not work with several WMS services from other organisations. I have also found this site http://nsidc.org/data/atlas/epsg_3575.html, but this just gives the same info as the EPSG registry in effect. Ive tried converting the 4326 bbox to 3575 in a couple of programs (ogr and a web conversion site), but these just out with differing answers, neither of which look correct. any help would be gratfully received!
