Earthquake in Ecuador on 17 April 2016 - foreshocks, mainshock and aftershocks

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Initial data on earthquake was selected from the database of "Earthquake Archive Search" with the help of menu item in OpenWebGIS: "GeoDataBase-> Earthquakes Database".
For the analysis we choose a rectangle with coordinates:
lower left longitude: -89.53593749261435; lower left latitude: -6.373536989337675; upper right longitude: -72.44121093249441; upper right latitude: 5.382686176012323.
Magnitude range: from 2 to 10.
Date & Time(UTC): from 2016-03-01T00:00:00 to 2016-04-17T10:39:04.

The result of selecting, adding on the map and customizing the legend is shown on Figure 1.
Figure 1 - The earthquake in Ecuador on 17 April 2016: the result of selecting, adding on the map and customizing the legend in OpenWebGIS​

You can analyze this data using all the opportunities of OpenWebGIS if you open this interactive Map.
The analysis of selecting data reflect that a clear foreshock occured at 2016-04-17T01:47:44 with magnitude 4.8 (see Figure 1a) near the place of mainshock which happened later at 2016-04-17T01:58:37.​
Figure 1a - One of earthquake foreshocks in Ecuador on 17 April 2016​
After that there was a set of aftershocks with magnitudes from 4.5 to 5.6 up to 2016-04-17T09:13:58. To show the depth of earthquakes it is possible to use 2.5D columns. Detailed information about using 2.5D columns and customizing the legend can be found in the following articles: "Spatial and temporal distribution of earthquakes in Chile and adjacent areas (1960-2015)" and "Spatial and temporal distribution of earthquakes in the USA and adjacent areas (1950-2015)".
The result of this mapping is shown on Figure 2.
Figure 2 - The depth of earthquake in Ecuador on 17 April 2016 shown with the help of 2.5D columns​
The map shown on Figure 2 is available at this link.
Open the attribute table using the menu item "Edit-> Open attribute table". Then use the function of creation of chart and get a chart of earthquakes magnitudes by times.
The chart of changing magnitudes by times is shown on Figure 3.
Figure 3 - The chart of changing magnitudes by times​
To make 3D map of earthquake depth you must click on the button :​
in the upper right corner of the map. This button has the title "Add 3d Map. Globe ". There will be a pop-up window in which you can set the desired size of the 3D map area in pixels (see the result on Figure 4).
Figure 4 - 3D map of earthquake depth in Ecuador on 17 April 2016​

The map shown on Figure 4 is available at this link.
