Dynamically Reload OpenLayers Marker Layer based on user input

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
Not really sure how to ask this, so I'll outline the scenario.

We have a database with locations in it. There are various types of cars at each location and each car has a problem of varying importance associated with it.

Some Sample Scenarios

Location A - has a Mercedes - With a Level 3 problemLocation A - has a Ford - With a Level 1 problem. Location A - has a Toyota - With a Level 2 problem. Location B - has a Nissan - With a Level 3 problem.

Level 1 problems are the most severe, they get a red marker icon. Level 2 problems are severe but less so, an orange marker icon. Level 3 problems are not that bad, a yellow marker icon.

Marker icons for a location are selected by the highest priority problem at the location. i.e. Location A would have a red icon because the ford has a Level 1 problem. Location B would have a yellow icon because it only has a problem 3 there.

We have managers who are responsible for types. i.e. Manager 1 is responsible for Mercedes and Nissan vehicles.

So Manager 1 would like to select Mercedes and Nissan and see a Yellow icon at Location A and a Yellow icon at location B.

Manager 2 might select Ford and Toyota. He should see Red at location A and there shouldn't even be a marker at location B.

I'm using a simple OSM tile map and marker layers. I have a one marker layer for each type of car and that marker color is based on the highest priority, it works fine as long as they only select one layer at a time, if there's 2 selected, the icon for one type gets drawn over the icon for the previous type and the icon color is only representative of one type, not the highest priority of the types selected.

Currently, the data is loaded and the layers built via an AJAX call, what I would like to do is change the application to only have 1 marker layer but allow the user to select types and rebuilt it via AJAX call each time. Is there a way to do this? Ideally it would still work like the LayerSwitcher control. Is there a better way to go about solving this?
