Draw parallel lines in QGIS

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similar questions have been asked before but I cannot find a sufficient answer to my question.

I have topological dataset. I am trying to work out a way to select one or many existing lines and draw a parallel line to it, I need to control if it is on the right/left/both side of the original line and the distance to it (will be same for both sides).

  • The grass tool create parallel line on all existing and is not a good solution.
  • I have tried CadTool but I dont understand how it works (nothing really happens when I have tried to play around with it myself) and have not been able to find documentation about it, there has been a video tutorial around but it is not longer active.
  • How to draw perpendicular/Parallel line using pyQGIS? this also look interesting but I need to learn more about python how to use it (working on it)
