[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]DJI Zenmuse P1 and Matrice 300 RTK التصوير بالطائرات الدرونز او المسيرةاحدث كاميرات واجهزة التصوير واكثرها كفاءة احدث طائرات التصوير وافضلها ماتركس 300تمتاز ب :The P1 has a vertical accuracy of 5 cm and 3 cm horizontally and can cover an area of 3 km during a single flightfull-frame sensor camera for photogrammetry and surveying. The camera is capable of 45 MP still with 4.4-micrometer pixel size the ability to take a photo every 0.7 seconds while in flight.
#ِعبدالناصر_رشاش#DJI #P1 تستخدم في المجالات التالية
JI recommends using the Zenmuse P1 forTopographical mapping, cadastral surveying, AEC and surveying, natural resource management, geological investigation, disaster site modeling.
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