I'm using QGIS 2.8's Distance Matrix tool to find distances to nearest neighboring points on a single layer. I've followed roughly the instructions on this site and adapted it to my needs. However, I'm having issues with the resulting data. In my example, I've used myLayer as both input and target layers to find the three nearest points. I then added the resulting CSV to QGIS and selected all elements whose InputID = TargetID in order to find the points who were matched with themselves. The strange this, is these distances are not 0.
I get this sort of result:
InputID TargetID Distance PointA PointA 23.023 PointB PointB 4.532 Can someone please explain to me where this distance comes from? My ultimate goal is to find the distance for each point to it's two nearest neighbors (not including itself).
I get this sort of result:
InputID TargetID Distance PointA PointA 23.023 PointB PointB 4.532 Can someone please explain to me where this distance comes from? My ultimate goal is to find the distance for each point to it's two nearest neighbors (not including itself).