I've done tons of work within ArcGIS to analyze and process rasters. I'm pretty well knowledgeable on that subject. A question has come in from my coworker who is attempting to populate elevation data in his SQL server. The first question he asked was if its possible through code to connect to a raster and query it for data, kind of like connecting to an ODBC data source? The idea would be to query for data in an extent and then create records of elevation points within that area. Is that possible with a data driver?
Second, if he has a current version of SQL Server I believe that has some capability to store GIS data correct? Is there a possibility to load the raster into the SQL server as a table and then query it as you would any other table? Or does he require some GIS framework to do this?
Second, if he has a current version of SQL Server I believe that has some capability to store GIS data correct? Is there a possibility to load the raster into the SQL server as a table and then query it as you would any other table? Or does he require some GIS framework to do this?