Developing the new interface design of OpenWebGIS

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OpenWebGIS team has started developing the new interface design. We offer you to consider a new version of the interface. It is activated when you click on the «New Interface» button (see Figure 1).
Figure 1- Click on the «New Interface» button to activate the new interface​
Now the main menu, layers list, the search line on OpenStreetMap, Wikipedia can be hidden and open only when the user clicks. The map covers the entire screen (see Figure 2, 3).
Figure 2 - New interface of OpenWebGIS​
Figure 3 - New interface of OpenWebGIS​
Being in the new interface, you can return to the old one if you select the menu item «Interface->Set default interface» (see Figure 4).
Figure 4 - Set default interface​

But you need to bear in mind that even without this option («New Interface») you have already had the opportunity to customize Interface for a long time - further information is given in this video:

What do you think about the new interface of OpenWebGIS?
  1. You like the new version of the interface, and it should be left;
  2. You like the new interface, but still there is need to continue developing it;
  3. You do not like the new interface and you need to keep the old one;
  4. You don't like either the new or the old interfaces, there is need to do something else;
  5. Other.

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The OpenWebGIS blog and full list of articles about OpenWebGIS provide a lot of information about possibilities of OpenWebGIS.​
