Dealing with multiple georeferenced, but possibly slightly offset datasets

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I have elevation data stored at 5 meter resolution in a raster file. I would like to go in and add this data into a database (lat, lon, elevation.)

I have another rasterfile with other data, also at 5 meter resolution, but it does not line up perfectly with the elevation data. So if I try to add this data by lat/lon lookup, a point with that precise lat/lon may not be found. (I am keeping 6 decimal places of accuracy on lat/lon.)

In other words, I would end up with something like:

(lat, lon, elevation, class)

(40.000001, -87.000001, 250, NULL)(40.000002, -87.000002, NULL, 1)

Some possible solutions I can think of:

  1. Combine the data prior to adding it to a database. This isn't ideal. I've looked online and the only way I see to combine two raster files into one band is with ArcGIS, which I don't have. This would hopefully automatically sync the elevation/class data to the same georeferenced point. In this case, I would not allow any NULL values.
  2. Somehow map every lat/lon so that the above two points map to the same lat/lon pair value and store that lat/lon in the database.
  3. I see some databases are designed to deal with maybe there is something I can look into?
