Creating a single layer of polygons from a point layer

المشرف العام

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I have a csv file of lats and lons for points that represent the vertices of parcels of land. I want to create a polygon for each set of specific points within the csv and then create one unified layer of polygons.

I first started separating each set of points in the csv file and created individual point shp files and then used the points2one tool to create the polygons. This works but is unwieldy as I have now approximately 170 individual shp files. And I need to merge the newly created polygons back into one layer (seems a lot of unnecessary work).

My question is is it possible to import the entire csv points file into qgis, manually select sets of points using the selection tool and the create a polygon from that selection.

My parcels of land are not contiguous so I'm not sure how to create a single layer from the data.

Thanks in advance and I hope my question makes sense.

