Create lake bottom substrate class surface from classified points

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I have been getting acoustic sounding data ( and creating bathymetry for several years now, but I am also tasked with creating a substrate surfaces. I orginally convinced the people looking for this information to just present the classified points as I argued this is not an interpolation. Although there is likely natural sorting to some extent, a boulder is not required to be surrounded by rings of incrementally smaller material if it is sitting in the middle of a mud flat. I have enquired with the manufacturer and been referred to literature.

The few documents that I have found suggest using image classification tools with rasters based on the bathymetry and the classified points. I use a stack of depth, slope, and curvature with the classified points to create a signature file and then run the maximum likely classification tool on the stack of rasters to come out with my surface. This seems to work reasonably well, but I would really appreciate any input. All the literature is very vague saying things like "the accepted assumptions regarding substrate distribution"... but never defining what those assumptions are.

What I am hoping to find is some documented methodology. Short of that I am hoping to solicit input of any kind..... Recommendations or criticisms.
