I have a JPG image and the corresponding geospatial information on a JFW wolrd file in a ETRS89 geodesical system and UTM coordinates (EPSG:25830)
5.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -5.0000000000 484752.5000000000 4811767.5000000000 I want to create a GeoTIFF on a SRS EPSG:4326 and extract the edge lat/lon coordinates [ulx uly lrx lry]. I am using the folowing command without success which maybe requires to do a warp before (although I don't think so because line 2 and 3 are null on JFW file), and I do not know how to extract the edge values on that projection.
gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin 0 0 [width_jpg] [height_jpg] [from_file_jpg] [to_file_tif] Does someone know how to do it? It is necessary to define width and height of image if I am using the whole image?
5.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -5.0000000000 484752.5000000000 4811767.5000000000 I want to create a GeoTIFF on a SRS EPSG:4326 and extract the edge lat/lon coordinates [ulx uly lrx lry]. I am using the folowing command without success which maybe requires to do a warp before (although I don't think so because line 2 and 3 are null on JFW file), and I do not know how to extract the edge values on that projection.
gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_srs EPSG:4326 -projwin 0 0 [width_jpg] [height_jpg] [from_file_jpg] [to_file_tif] Does someone know how to do it? It is necessary to define width and height of image if I am using the whole image?