Create Envelope based on center point

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I see in the Java SDK : they have :

Envelope(Point center, double width, double height)Creates an envelope by defining its center, width, and height.

However, in the .NET Desktop Runtime SDK no such constructor exists that I can find:

Is this functionality lost in .NET?

If so I am curious how I can take in a longitude and latitude in 4326 (WGS84) spatial and then create an envelope around the point with set radius in meters. I believe I have to first create the MapPoint then convert it from geographic WGS84 to a meter projected coordinate and then find the four corners and then plug those into the EnvelopeBuilder. I am just wondering if this is the correct way or if there is an easier way such as Java SDK.

Which projection should I convert WGS84 into for this to work as I am wanting it to?
