Create blank table from command line

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I am trying to create a table in my PostgreSQL databse from the command line. Here is the pipeline I have been trying:

(cd C:/Program\ Files/PostgreSQL/9.4/bin; psql -h localhost -d mb_sed_class -U postgres -e 'CREATE TABLE "Segment_029_2009_x_y_sedclass_dt_topo_25cm"( gid serial NOT NULL, easting numeric, northing numeric, sed_class numeric, geom geometry(Point,26949), CONSTRAINT test_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid))')The code prompts me for my database password and opens the psql interpreter and is waiting for my input. When i type \q and go back to the terminal, a table is not created in my database. Any ideas on why this isn't working?
