Create A Maximum-Value Composite QGIS

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I am looking to create a Maximum-Value Composite raster in QGIS

I have three raster images: Oct 2012Nov 2012Dec 2012All are in TIFF Format, Float32, EPSG:4326 - WGS 84

I want to stack these images, then on a pixel-by-pixel basis,examine each value, and retain only the highest value for that pixel location to create a Maximum-Value Composite (refer to

e.g.(these are made-up numbers for illustrative purposes):

Pixel in Row 205 and Column 106 will have three values:9075100

I want to choose 100, then move to the next pixel and do the same. In the end I should have a final raster with maximum values only, a maximum value composite!

I am have QGIS 1.8.0 & 2.0.1, GRASS 6.4.3RC2 and SAGA 2.0.8 at my disposal.

Any help will be much appreciated

