I'm analyzing wind farms and wind turbines within ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.
My data consists of the locations of individual wind turbines that are associated with a wind farm (let's call it "Wind Farm A").
From creating 5-km buffers around each wind farm, I know that in certain cases wind turbines from a neighboring farm (let's call it "Wind Farm B") are part of the buffer of Wind Farm A.
I'm attaching a screenshot that illustrates my challenge visually.
My data consists of the locations of individual wind turbines that are associated with a wind farm (let's call it "Wind Farm A").
From creating 5-km buffers around each wind farm, I know that in certain cases wind turbines from a neighboring farm (let's call it "Wind Farm B") are part of the buffer of Wind Farm A.
- How can I use ModelBuilder to count the number of turbines within a buffer zone that are part of Wind Farm B and not part of Wind Farm A?
I'm attaching a screenshot that illustrates my challenge visually.
