Coordinate system choice in mapproxy demo

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I have a question about the mapproxy demo page.

I added wmts and wms to the services config, so the demo page lists the configured layers in the WMS and the WMTS part.

services: #sets up how to make the source data available demo: wmts: wms: #srs sets the coordinate reference systems as which you want to make your data available. MapProxy reprojects the source data very well to these projections. srs: ['EPSG:3857','EPSG:900913'] image_formats: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png']But the problem here I have is that only the EPSG:900913 SRS is shown in the WMTS part. The WMS part shows a drop-down menu with the configured SRS. How can I achieve that under WMTS I can choose between all SRS as in WMS?The same with the image formats. The WMTS part shows only png.

I use mapproxy 1.7.1.
