Coordinate mix up

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I am working on a basic map, pulling coordinates from google earth, converting them to decimal degrees in excel, and then importing them into qgis. I am using qgis 1.8. When converting from degrees, minutes, seconds I get a coordinate in decimal degrees that looks like this (37.01879,-77.15026). This seems to be the correct gps coordinate for this given address. However, I imported my excel file as a delimiyed csv file, and found that none of the coordinates matched up. My project in qgis vis projected in wgs 84. I manually input the location in qgis, and the coordinates that were given back to me were this (11776056.2,3715032.7). I thought this might be because map units were set to meters, wrong projection, etc. But I cannot seem to figure out the issue. I have the same problem any time I try to take coordinates from Google Earth.
