Converting sqlite (spatialite) data to oracle sdo_geometry (using .NET)

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Using .NET, I have a sqlite file that I have to import to oracle. The geometry needs to be converted from sqlite (spatialite) geometry column to a sdo_geometry column in oracle:

// Loop through all records in sqlite fileforeach (DataRow row in dsSqLite.Tables["Default"].Rows){ // Get geometry field from sqlite and get it ready for oracle format NetSdoGeometry.sdogeometry geom = row["GEOMETRY"]; // ERROR HERE} When I execute the above, I get an error "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Byte[]' to type 'NetSdoGeometry.sdogeometry'. Also I do not see where to specify the SRID. Does anyone know the correct way to convert the geometry column from spatialite to oracle sdo_geometry?

References:NetSdoGeometry library:
