thanx to this forum i have recently discovered the service for selecting and "downloading" selected data from open street map.
i am trying to get a shapefile out of a group of relations (hiking trails, that are relations built on actual lines in osm database), my goal is to obtain a line-shapefile with all the hiking trails in a given area and their attributes.
actually, i can select and download to gpx, kml or geojson the data i'm looking for with a simple query,but i have problems in the conversion to shapefile: GPX and KML can be easily converted, but they dont have all the tag info i need.
on the other hand, geojson, when opened, contains this data, but when converted to shp (for example with an online tool like mapshaper or similar (i have used the table looks funny and attributes are not set correctly: there are only 2 attributesid and @relations, the first containing the way ID, the second containing all attributes including the tags i'm looking for, in brackets, separated by commas.
how do i convert this geojson in a usable shapefile, with a column for relation number and a column for each tag?
i am trying to get a shapefile out of a group of relations (hiking trails, that are relations built on actual lines in osm database), my goal is to obtain a line-shapefile with all the hiking trails in a given area and their attributes.
actually, i can select and download to gpx, kml or geojson the data i'm looking for with a simple query,but i have problems in the conversion to shapefile: GPX and KML can be easily converted, but they dont have all the tag info i need.
on the other hand, geojson, when opened, contains this data, but when converted to shp (for example with an online tool like mapshaper or similar (i have used the table looks funny and attributes are not set correctly: there are only 2 attributesid and @relations, the first containing the way ID, the second containing all attributes including the tags i'm looking for, in brackets, separated by commas.
how do i convert this geojson in a usable shapefile, with a column for relation number and a column for each tag?