I want to convert a GeoPDF that has vectors entity in it to a vector format and preserve the real coordinates of these vectors. The GeoPDF has been exported from ArcMap and has layers in it.
I have try GDAL, but it rasterize the PDF before exporting it. Which is not good for me. Also I don't want a solution that would convert this image back to vectors, too complicated for the data I have.
Is someone aware of any tool that can do that? The resulting format can be a CAD file or a shapefile or anything that is a vector format.
I have try GDAL, but it rasterize the PDF before exporting it. Which is not good for me. Also I don't want a solution that would convert this image back to vectors, too complicated for the data I have.
Is someone aware of any tool that can do that? The resulting format can be a CAD file or a shapefile or anything that is a vector format.