Connecting to PostGIS (LATIN1) from Microsoft Access 2010 - Encoding problem?

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I want to connect to a PostGIS table Using MS Access.

The table has been created using the PostGIS Shapefile loader in pgAdmin. It has been encoded at LATIN1 (it wouldn't load with UTF-8 default).

I have installed the ODBC driver from: (09_03_210)

I have set up the link in MS Access (using "PostgreSQL Unicode" driver), and I can bring the table in. However in all of the fields it is displaying #Error rather than the data.

I don't get this error with a table loaded with UTF-8.

I'm not sure where to set the encoding variable to LATIN1 when I call the data. I have tried doing so in the "Data Source" Advanced options under "Connect Settings"

SET client_encoding TO LATIN1but it hasn't helped.

Is there another problem here - am I setting the encoding variable in the wrong place?

Any help appreciated.
