Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) - Configure dynamic layer to not display all sub-layers

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Using the example below, from the CMV, what would be the best way to not show the Fire Stations layer in the Louisville Public Safety map service assuming I wanted to see everything else and I wanted sublayertoggle true?

type: 'dynamic', url: '', title: 'Louisville Public Safety', slider: true, noLegend: false, collapsed: false, sublayerToggle: true, //true to automatically turn on sublayers options: { id: 'louisvillePubSafety', opacity: 1.0, visible: true, imageParameters: imageParameters }, identifyLayerInfos: { layerIds: [2, 4, 5, 8, 12, 21] } I've added these 3 lines after the declaring and setting of imageParameters:

var imageParameters2 = new ImageParameters(); imageParameters2.layerIds = [1]; imageParameters2.layerOption = ImageParameters.LAYER_OPTION_EXCLUDE;

and changed imageParameters: imageParameters to imageParameters: imageParameters2 in the layer config but the Fire Station layer still shows up.
