Computing Area Weighted Average on Rasters Using Raster to Polygon

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I am using ArcGis 10.3.

I am trying to compute area weighted averages for polygons in a shapefile using values in a single band raster data set.

The approach I am taking is that I am converting the Raster (with cell size 0.1*0.1) to Polygons. Then, I intend to use intersect analysis and calculate area to get the intersection area of a square/pixel with a given polygon and the total area of each polygon (by square I mean the resulting square polygons when I have converted raster to polygons).

Using this information I can then compute area weighted averages.

I do have some concerns though:

1) When I convert Raster to Polygon, not all the resulting square polygons get a unique FID (so for example, multiple squares have the same FID but the identify tool shows these to be separate entities). The data set lacks a unique ID. I thought that arc gis should be generating this automatically. How do I resolve this issue?

2) Is there a simpler way to do this entire task? I looked through past questions and none had a good suggestion. It seems as though zonal statistics cannot compute an area weighted mean.
