Computer Processing ** Remotely-Sensed Images: ** Introduction

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Computer Processing ** Remotely-Sensed Images: ** Introduction
**: Paul Ma***r, Magaly Koch

This fourth **d full colour edition updates **d exp**ds a widely-used textbook aimed at adv**ced undergraduate **d postgraduate students taking courses in remote sensing **d GIS in Geography, Geology **d Earth\/Environmental Science departments. Existing material has been brought up to date **d new material has been added. In particular, a new chapter, exploring *** two-way links between remote sensing **d environmental GIS, has been added.New **d updated material includes:A website at \/go\/ma***r4 that provides access to ** updated **d exp**ded version ** *** MIPS image processing s**tware for Micros**t Windows, PowerPoint slideshows ** *** figures from each chapter, **d case studies, including full data sets,Includes new chapter on Remote Sensing **d Environmental GIS that provides insights into *** ways in which remotely-sensed data c** be used synergistically with o***r spatial data sets, including hydrogeological **d archaeological applications,New section on image processing from a computer science perspective presented in a non-technical way, including some remarks on statistics,New material on image tr**sforms, including *** **alysis ** temporal ch**ge **d data fusion techniques,New material on image classification including decision trees, support vector machines **d indep***ent components **alysis, **dNow in full colour through***.This book provides *** material required for a single semester course in Environmental Remote Sensing plus additional, more adv**ced, reading for students specialising in some aspect ** *** subject. It is written largely in non-technical l**guage yet it provides insights into more adv**ced topics that some may consider too difficult for a non-ma***matici** to underst**d. *** case studies available from *** website are fully-documented research projects complete with original data sets. For readers who do not have access to commercial image processing s**tware, MIPS provides a licence-free, intuitive **d comprehensive alternative


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