Running this produces a single band tif and not a three band image. Has anyone seen this before or can suggest ways to trouble shoot it?
Input_Rasters = path + parentdir + "/" + dir + "/" + "Rt_b1dp.TIF"; path + parentdir + "/" + dir + "/" + "Rt_b2dp.TIF"; path + parentdir + "/" + dir + "/" + "Rt_b3dp.TIF"; path + parentdir + "/" + dir + "/" + "Rt_b4dp.TIF" # provide a default value if unspecified# Process: Composite Bandsprint "Process: Composite Bands"arcpy.CompositeBands_management(Input_Rasters, "Rt_CompBands.tif")
Input_Rasters = path + parentdir + "/" + dir + "/" + "Rt_b1dp.TIF"; path + parentdir + "/" + dir + "/" + "Rt_b2dp.TIF"; path + parentdir + "/" + dir + "/" + "Rt_b3dp.TIF"; path + parentdir + "/" + dir + "/" + "Rt_b4dp.TIF" # provide a default value if unspecified# Process: Composite Bandsprint "Process: Composite Bands"arcpy.CompositeBands_management(Input_Rasters, "Rt_CompBands.tif")