The raster using arcgis geoprocessing is cliped with a feature, reading it's geometry and as a result, rasters extent slightly differs.Extent of geom:
str(row.shape.extent)'570600,537958652 381252,627022596 570698,472917815 381474,211727455 NaN NaN NaN NaN'Extent of raster (gp and gdal - both shows same):
str(gp.Describe(output).Extent)'570600,424994 381252,499999738 570699,424994 381474,499999738 NaN NaN NaN NaN'DS=gdal.Open(output) DS.GetGeoTransform() (570600.424994, 1.0, 0.0, 381474.49999973783, 0.0, -1.0)Having a raster of 1x1 m. resolution that is minor thing... The problem comes as I produce multiple smaller rasters of the same area to compare and the ones smaller I extend with gdalwarp to the shapefile geometry (the one I clip with). I need rasters of the same extent to be able to compare them with numpy. As not the clipped raster has one column more then the extended one!
As I firstly produce smaller rasters, it is easier to get extent from the row geometry instead of test clipping.
Could enyone explain why clipped raster gets other extent then planned? And how to force gp.clip_management to take the geometry extension?
str(row.shape.extent)'570600,537958652 381252,627022596 570698,472917815 381474,211727455 NaN NaN NaN NaN'Extent of raster (gp and gdal - both shows same):
str(gp.Describe(output).Extent)'570600,424994 381252,499999738 570699,424994 381474,499999738 NaN NaN NaN NaN'DS=gdal.Open(output) DS.GetGeoTransform() (570600.424994, 1.0, 0.0, 381474.49999973783, 0.0, -1.0)Having a raster of 1x1 m. resolution that is minor thing... The problem comes as I produce multiple smaller rasters of the same area to compare and the ones smaller I extend with gdalwarp to the shapefile geometry (the one I clip with). I need rasters of the same extent to be able to compare them with numpy. As not the clipped raster has one column more then the extended one!
As I firstly produce smaller rasters, it is easier to get extent from the row geometry instead of test clipping.
Could enyone explain why clipped raster gets other extent then planned? And how to force gp.clip_management to take the geometry extension?