Cartographic workflow using Global Mapper

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Hello all, I'm pretty thrilled to have found this board. I currently work in GIS, however I've just recently started getting into the process of creating maps. My main interest is in creating topographic maps of the back-country.

I've been trying to distill a ton of loosely-connected information on the net in order to understand this process better. I want to start creating maps using a certain workflow, using the particular tools I already have. Those tools are: Global Mapper, QGIS, Inkscape, Photoshop.

Most info that I find centers around ArcMap, various plugins, and Illustrator. I don't have those and probably won't in the very near future. So using the tools above, what is a good course of action for creating a map (something along the lines of USGS quads in character)?

Currently I am processing NED data into hill/slope shades and contours in Global Mapper. I might further process the rasters in Photoshop. My hangup is getting Global Mapper to export everything at the same size/aspect/resolution so that it overlays correctly and accurately in Photoshop/Inkscape without needing to re-size things. I'm brand new to Inkscape and vector drawing, so getting the vectors on top of the rasters is a challenge. Should I be building the map up in Photoshop, or Inkscape?

From Global Mapper, what format should I be exporting the vectors as? I've tried PDFs but it seems clunky with lots of weird/irrelevant options to choose. Is there something better? SVG?

How should I be processing hydro data... when I export the lakes and streams from NHD sources, I don't feel that they 100% match what actually exists. Are some of those streams theoretical drainage or intermittent, or should they be referenced with aerial photos, etc.? Same might be said of landcover data.

I know my questions might seem a bit random, but if anyone could clarify anything at all, that'd be super helpful. I mainly just want to make sure I'm going in the right direction with these particular tools. If you'd do something differently, I'd love to know why. Thank you!
