Can't select points with a rectangle (ArcMap)

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I am using ArcGIS 10.2, ArcMap and I have a shapefile point layer in which I can't select any points. (I'm having the same problem this person describes but none of the suggested solutions work: Why is select by drawing a rectangle not working in ArcGIS?)

To simplify things, I have removed all other layers from the map. I have highlighted the layer in the table of contents. I have also done: right-click > Selection > 'Make this the only selectable layer in the table'. I have tried lasso, rectangle, polygon, with no luck. When I add a polygon layer to the map, I'm able to select polygons with these tools. I also added a different point layer to the map and was able to select those points. But there's something about this point layer. It's in GCS_WGS_1984, not that that should have anything to do with it (also the polygon layer that I can select is in in GCS_WGS_1984 too). Any additional suggestions? --Thank you!
