I downloaded and installed GDAL. I am using Python 27. I had to use the following commands at the IDLE Python GUI:
from osgeo import gdal,ogrsys.path.append('C:\Program Files\GDAL')import gdal_mergeI actually have C:\Program Files\GDAL listed first in my Path environmental system variables, so I don't know why I need to do the above.Anyway, when I try to use this utility, I don't get an error, but it only opens the Python script for editing, and doesn't run the script. I know that the documentation for gdal_merge states "NOTE: gdal_merge.py is a Python script, and will only work if GDAL was built with Python support." I did install GDAL with Python support, and can get some utilities to run correctly (like gdalwarp.exe) but have trouble running the python scripts.How can I find out for sure if my installation of GDAL has Python support?
from osgeo import gdal,ogrsys.path.append('C:\Program Files\GDAL')import gdal_mergeI actually have C:\Program Files\GDAL listed first in my Path environmental system variables, so I don't know why I need to do the above.Anyway, when I try to use this utility, I don't get an error, but it only opens the Python script for editing, and doesn't run the script. I know that the documentation for gdal_merge states "NOTE: gdal_merge.py is a Python script, and will only work if GDAL was built with Python support." I did install GDAL with Python support, and can get some utilities to run correctly (like gdalwarp.exe) but have trouble running the python scripts.How can I find out for sure if my installation of GDAL has Python support?