Can't create address locator in SQL Express GDB

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I am working out of a SQL Express ArcSDE geodatabase with ArcGIS 10.3.0 Standard and would like to create a composite address locator based on streets and parcels. I can copy and rebuild a streets locator just fine from a previous version stored in a file GDB. However, attempting to either 1) copy an existing locator or 2) create a new locator based on parcel data returns the following error:

ERROR 000042: Failed to create the address locator.

Table not registered [Norwalk_Schools.DBO.Locator_Parcel_2013_lox]

Invalid SQL syntax [[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Incorrect >syntax near the keyword 'on'.]

Invalid SQL syntax [[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Incorrect >syntax near the keyword 'on'.]

DBMS table not found

Failed to execute (CreateAddressLocator).

The source dataset is registered as versioned, and no fields appear to be named "on". What might be causing this error and how can I create this locator on the ArcSDE GDB?
