Can I project a single set of coordinates that are not in a table or feature class wi

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I have been searching for the easiest way to convert a single set of State Plane Coordinates (in units of "Feet") to Decimal Degrees using arcpy. All the methods I have seen so far involve one of the following ...
1. Installing a Library like pyproj
2. Creating (or starting with?) a feature class or table to project with "Project_management" or "ConvertCoordinateNotation_management".
3. Using more math than I care to ... and some sort of Haversine or Vincenty algorithm?

I really only want to convert one set of coordinates that I have already arrived at in my python script (using arcpy.mapping). If I have to I suppose I can create a table or feature class out of them in order to then read in the table or feature class and project that but that seems ridiculous. Having recently done exercises using the "utm" module where this kind of thing was really easy, I don't understand why I should have to jump through hoops to convert a single set of coordinates. Shouldn't arcpy provide a way to do this? If one of the above is the only way for me to do it, then that is what I will do. Installing the library seems easiest but I'm not sure how to install a module in the version of Python that I use in ArcMap (I have done it with PIP in the python I have in the OSGeo4W shell).

Reference Links:
Search Cursor Solution w/ pyproj link also
Adding XY Data
UTM module
