Calculating where the Z values of two rasters intersect

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I have several raster layers which are depth horizons, one of these horizons cross cuts the others and I would like to calculate the line along which this occurs. i.e. the line along which the Z value (depth) for one raster is equal to the Z value (depth) for the other horizon. Is there a way to calculate this in ArcMap and extract the points / line along which the two rasters intersect? I have found numerous ways to calculate where the two layers overlap in map view, but I am interested in where they intersect in terms of the Z value, not X and Y.

The data was originally imported as X,Y,Z points and then converted to a raster using the point to raster conversion so I could also do this using the point data if that is an option?
