Calculating Sinuosity Using ArcGIS Field Calculator

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Trying to calculate sinuosity via Field Calculator (ArcGIS v 10.2.2); VBA

Pre-Logic Script Code:

Dim dblLe as double
Dim dblLf as double
Dim dblS as double
Dim pCurve as Icurve
Dim pFPoint as IPoint
Dim pTPoint as IPoint
Set pCurve = [Shape]
Set pFPoint = pCurve.FromPoint
Set pTPoint = pCurve.ToPoint
dblLe = Sqr((pFPoint.X - pTPoint.X)^2 + (pFPoint.Y - pTPoint.Y)^2)
dblLf = pCurve.Length
dblS = dblLe/dblLf </p></p>Variable =

dblS </p></p>I know ESRI has a python script put I am try to run via Field Calculator. Anyone see my error.
