Calculate nearest distance in ArcView, XY coordinates

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
Okay, so basically I am really lost and struggling because I have never used an Arc system before.

Basically, I have two datasets. One with house locations, and the other with investment locations- each locating by XY coordinate.

The room where I conduct my analysis only has Arc View, so I must use that.

I want to calculate the distance between a house and the nearest investment (calculate the distance between two XY coordinates).

Is this possible with Arc View?

I also want to join the variables in the investment dataset to the housing dataset, after I have calculated the nearest distance. Is that possible?

I am sorry if I am not explaining myself correctly- I am just very confused, if it's not stata.. then I don't know how to use it! =/

Any help is greatly appreciated,

Thanks so much!

