RiverWare is a river system modeling tool. It is an ideal platform for operational decision-making, responsive forecasting, operational policy evaluation, system optimization, water accounting, water rights administration, and long-term resource planning. The wide range of applications is made possible by a choice of computational timesteps ranging from 1 hour to 1 year.
Physical Processes and Basin Features
RiverWare has the capability to model:
- Hydrology and hydrologic processes of reservoirs, river reaches, diversions, distribution canals, consumptive uses, groundwater interaction and conjunctive use;
- Water quality including TDS, DO and temperature;
- Hydropower production and energy uses; and
- Water rights, water ownership, and water accounting transactions.
http://www.solidfiles.com/d/cdea50b3e7/ CADSWES.RiverWare.v6.6.6.X64-AMPED
http://www.solidfiles.com/d/541d396b01/ credit to AMPED and BetaBBS members