C# Custom Dockable window: grouping them together

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I'm adding in some custom windows for our clients. I want to group my dock windows together on load. The end result would look like they are tabbed (from the bottom).

I have the following code to my button (x 3 ):

ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IDockableWindow aaView; ... if (aaView == null) { //Get dockable window. UID dockWinID = new UIDClass(); dockWinID.Value = "myView"; aaView = ArcMap.DockableWindowManager.GetDockableWindow(dockWinID); if (aaView == null) { ErrorBox.DoModal("Launchmyview Error", "", "", "", 1); return; } } aaView.Show(!aaView.IsVisible()); I have the following in the esriaddinx(x3):

I know that I can move the windows over eachother manually once the UI is open, but I want to group them programmtically.

Any help would be great.
