buildings in a topo map

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
dear all,

i am making a topo 1:25000 trail map of my area.

i am wondering how to represent buildings, i have the actual buildings shapefile with actual polygons, but if used "out of box" it gives a somewhat chaotic look: buildings are too small and detailed!

i am using arcgis 10.1, that has a "simplify buildings" function, which renders them all rectangle shaped, but they are still too small. i see that in pro commercial maps buildings are represented as bigger rectangles, i'm asking myself if they enlarge buildings with some buffer function? this would end up with "clusters" representing small villages or single blocks in a town and it would help in a 1:25000 scale, but would also enlarge isolated buildings.

another issue with buildings is that they overlap with roads: roads are represented larger than their scale in 1:25000, for obvious reasons, but they overlap with buildings that lie on the roads, i see that pro commercial maps have some gap between roads and buildings, is there a way to automatically obtain that?

last question is about color: classic topo maps all have buildings in full black or dark grey, but some new maps have buildings in light color (light grey or even light purple) so that you can write labels on it without black-on-black problem.

please share your opinions and suggestions about this issue!
