فيديوهات شرح منظومة سمارت جى اى اس Smart GIS Tutorials Videos
Building Contours from GPS Field Survey Points by Smart GIS Map Editor and GPS Tracking 2017
- Download your GPS Field Survey Points to excel
- Open Elshayal Smart GIS Map Editor
- Add a new Layer of points
- Open Attribute Data Tble
- Add an empty records with the same number of your GPS points
- Modify Structure to have fields for Lon_X and Lat_Y and Height_Z
- Copy Data from Excel to Smart GIS Table
- In Edit VB Script write the following script and run it
MoveToMaxX Lon_X
MoveToMaxY Lat_Y - In Surface Menu Produce your TIN Surface(s)
- In Surface Menu Produce your Contors
تسجيل منظومة سمارت جى اى اس ايتيدا Smart GIS Registeration in ITIDA
شهادات منظومة سمارت جى اى اس Smart GIS Certificates
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