Building Contours from GPS Points



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Building Contours from GPS Field Survey Points by Smart GIS Map Editor and GPS Tracking 2017

How to Build Contours from GPS Field Survey Points?
  1. Download your GPS Field Survey Points to excel
  2. Open Elshayal Smart GIS Map Editor
  3. Add a new Layer of points
  4. Open Attribute Data Tble
  5. Add an empty records with the same number of your GPS points
  6. Modify Structure to have fields for Lon_X and Lat_Y and Height_Z
  7. Copy Data from Excel to Smart GIS Table
  8. In Edit VB Script write the following script and run it
    MoveToMaxX Lon_X
    MoveToMaxY Lat_Y
  9. In Surface Menu Produce your TIN Surface(s)
  10. In Surface Menu Produce your Contors

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