Building better maps in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Turkey

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Whether you’re stepping off a plane into a new country or out of a taxi into your favorite cafe, you want a current, accurate map that gets you where you want to go instantly and easily. Today we're making that possible in more places with the launch of Ground Truth in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Turkey. Ground Truth enables us to improve a country’s map quickly so that it mirrors the constantly changing world as closely as possible. Ground Truth also makes it possible for you to contribute your local knowledge to Google Maps by reporting any problems directly to us through the Report a Problem tool, so together we can build the most realistic representation of the world around you.

With cleaner, crisper depictions of natural features, water bodies, mountains and more, each of these four countries has an updated map. For example, Valdivia in Chile now has an elaborate network of snaking rivers surrounded by lush greenery, living up to its nickname as the “City of Rivers.”

For those of you yearning for an adventure by sea, we’ve added extensive ferry routes including ferry line and harbor names. For example, in Turkey, you can now easily explore the numerous routes connecting popular ports like Yenikap
