Area and distance calculation : scale problem

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I have converted a GIS shapefile of Botswana from the geographic coordinate system GCS_WGS_1984 to the projected coordinate system Africa_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic to be able to calculate the area of the polygons of the shapefile (and later to calculate buffers etc.). But the scale of the projected shapefile is completely wrong, which skews the area (and distance) calculation. For example, when I use the ruler to calculate the distance between two points, a ~113km distance in reality is measured as a 0,001087 km distance on the data frame, thus about 100 000 times too small... But when I do the same distance measurement with the ruler when the shapefile is under the geographic coordinate system GCS_WGS_1984, there is no problem. Does someone have an idea how to fix this problem, and end up with a correct scale when I'm using the projected coordinate system?

Thank you!

