Are You Ready For #SARGIS8?

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
The National Alliance for Public Safety GIS Foundation's Search & Rescue GIS Working Group is hosting the 8th Annual SARGIS Workshop and Meeting on November 14th-16th, 2016.

Cost - Free! **Space is limited** Training and workshop materials will be provided at no cost.

Location - USGS: 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr, Reston, VA 20192

What is it about?
SARGIS8 will focus on the capabilities and best practices for Search & Rescue and geospatial technologies with 2 days of hands-on training.

    • Day 1: Monday - Plenary for SAR and GIS practitioners: Keynotes, presentations, & panel discussions (space is limited to 120 participants)
    • Day 2: Tuesday - Two tracks of technical GIS training (Basic/Web GIS & Advanced/Desktop GIS - space is limited to 60 participants)
    • Day 3: Wednesday - Two tracks of technical GIS training, culminating in a joint table-top exercise (space is limited to 60 participants)
Who should attend?
Search and Rescue Personnel (paid and unpaid) who want to know more about GIS for SAR
GIS technical professionals & staff that currently support SAR missions and/or are interested in learning how they can help SAR teams
Other Public Safety Operators, Decision makers, & Policy makers

Why Participate?
Join leading local, state, and Federal public safety agencies that are charting new ground for how GIS can be applied to missing person incidents.

Go to this Registration Page for more details and to lock in your place at this event.
