Arcpy scripts run time dialog keeps deactivating tkinter window

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I'm using tkinter in my scripts to get field names of the user in case the hard coded field names were not found in the target feature.

it runs from python IDE, but when run from arcmaps toolbox the interface keeps refreshing making it impossible to focus on the input message box generated from the script.

Is there a way to keep focus on the generated dialog so the user can type in the information? I can post my script if needed.

I'm using sometyhing similar to this :

from Tkinter import * import sys class popupWindow(object): def __init__(self,master): self.l=Label(top,text="Hello World") self.l.pack() self.e=Entry(top) self.e.pack() self.b=Button(top,text='Ok',command=self.cleanup) self.b.pack() def cleanup(self): self.value=self.e.get() class mainWindow(object): def __init__(self,master): self.master=master self.b=Button(master,text="click me!",command=self.popup) self.b.pack() self.b2=Button(master,text="print value",command=lambda: sys.stdout.write(self.entryValue()+'\n')) self.b2.pack() def popup(self): self.w=popupWindow(self.master) self.master.wait_window( def entryValue(self): return self.w.value if __name__ == "__main__": root=Tk() m=mainWindow(root) root.mainloop()
