ArcPy merge using a list from GetParameterAsText

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I am pretty new to ArcPy so bear with me. I am having a hard time understanding how to feed a list of FCs from a "GetParameterAsText" into something like the merge tool. I have my GetParamterAsText window set to Feature Class and multivalue so I can drag a group of layers into it in the tool dialogue.

inputLayer = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)

When I run the merge command, it looks like it is messing up the expected syntax by putting ";" as a separator instead of ",".

Doing this:arcpy.Merge_management(inputLayer, outputName, "")

Throws me this error:"C:\Development\Merge_Dissolve\GA0combined.shp;C:\Development\Merge_Dissolve\GA25combined.shp" does not exist

I have tried to create a function to replace ";" with ",", but it doesn't seem to work on my inputLayer variable, but I'm guessing there's a more standardized way to working with a list of FCs with tools that accept multiple inputs such as Merge.

Thank you for any guidance!
