ArcInfo/ArcGIS Server Spatial Analyst not licensed

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
It might be me but there is something I’m not able to figure out.I created a model in ArcGIS 10 that uses (among the others) “Extract by Mask” and “Zonal Statistics as Table” as functions (therefore Spatial Analyst extension) which runs smoothly on the desktop side. On this machine runs also ArcGIS Server (10) that I use to create a service that I want consume over the web.

Based on this thread, How to check the ArcGIS server type, I think I am running an Advance License because when I check the keycodes file found in C:\Program Files (x86)\ESRI\License10.0\sysgen I find:

arcgisserver,100,[……],none, [……]

svradvanced,100, [……],none, [……]

arcsdeserver,100, [……],none, [……]

svrenterprise,100, [……],none, [……]

The server side should include the Spatial Analyst extension, right? (svradvanced) So, why do I get

ERROR 000824: The tool is not licensed.FAILED When I try to consume the service?

I probably should mention that when I check ArcGIS Administrator I have two permanent licenses for ArcInfo Desktop and one permanent for Spatial Analyst
