ArcGIS Android SDK MapView.removeLayer method not working

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I'm currently exploring ArcGIS's Android SDK.

However, I've found that when adding a ShapefileFeatureTable to a FeatureLayer:

FeatureLayer featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(shapefileFeatureTable); featureLayer.setRenderer(new SimpleRenderer(new SimpleFillSymbol( getResources().getColor(android.R.color.holo_blue_bright), SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE.SOLID))); mapView.addLayer(featureLayer); and then trying to remove it:

mapView.removeLayer(featureLayer); it doesn't work! (the layer is still visible)

I've tried to change the following:

mapView.addLayer(featureLayer,0); mapView.removeLayer(0); and this doesn't work either.

EXPLANATORY NOTE: I'm trying to add and remove the feature layer because I want to show a GraphicsLayer on the map, but if I don't load a FeatureLayer first, the MapView stays completely black. I tried to set the SpatialReference and the background grid, but the only thing that worked was adding a bogus FeatureLayer first. I eventually "fixed it" by calling:

mapView.addLayer(featureLayer); featureLayer.setVisible(false); But I still think it's suboptimal solution. Any ideas??
