ArcGIS Android negative feature OID

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طاقم الإدارة
I am attempting to add a feature to an existing feature layer hosted on the ArcGIS for developers website. However, when I attempt to apply edits to the map, it does not ever actually add it, and when I print out the ID it is -10. Here is my initialization:

gFST = new GeodatabaseFeatureServiceTable(mFeatureServiceURL, 0);mFeatl = new FeatureLayer(gFST);mMapView.addLayer(mFeatl);When I click an addNew button, it calls this code:

Point point = mMapView.getLocationDisplayManager().getPoint();GeodatabaseFeature gFeat = new GeodatabaseFeature(atts, point, gFST);long fid = gFST.addFeature(gFeat);Log.e(TAG, "ADDED fid: " + fid + " and string: " + gFST.getFeature(fid).toString());gFST.applyEdits(new CallbackListener() { @Override public void onCallback(List geodatabaseEditErrors) { Log.e(TAG, "In callback, successfull"); } @Override public void onError(Throwable throwable) { Log.e(TAG, "CALLBACK error after applying edits"); }The log message that prints out is:

