ArcGIS Android - ArcGISFeatureLayer error: EsriServiceException: Internal Server Erro

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I am developping an Android application using tse ArcGIS SDK for Android. I am facing a problem when querying a featurelayer: the featurelayer I am using is hosted in our ArcGIS Online, and this is code I am using for the query: public final String mNonValidatedURL="";QueryParameters qParam = new QueryParameters(); qParam.setReturnGeometry(true); qParam.setOutSpatialReference(wm); qParam.setWhere("Validation='Non-validé'"); qParam.setReturnGeometry(true); qParam.setOutFields(new String[]{"*"}); Map obf = new HashMap(); obf.put("Date", Order.ASC); qParam.setOrderByFields(obf); QueryTask qTask = new QueryTask(mNonValidatedURL);try { FeatureResult results = qTask.execute(qParam); return results; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("freaking exception", e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); return null; }

sometimes the query is executed without problems but most of the time I am catching this error:
