I'm trying to consume secured map service via arcgis 10.2.2 soap api. I've configured my web adapter to negotiate windows domain security and everything looks fine when I check over the rest api. However I get a this exception when I try to consume the same service with soap api. I'm getting 401-unauthorized at getDefaultMapName method.
mapServer = new MapServerBindingStub(uri, username, password); defaultMapName = mapServer.getDefaultMapName(); //Error
Caused by: com.esri.arcgisws.runtime.exception.ArcGISWebServiceException: HTTP status code {401 - Unauthorized} received from server at com.esri.arcgisws.runtime.transport.http.HttpClientConnectionChannelI
mapServer = new MapServerBindingStub(uri, username, password); defaultMapName = mapServer.getDefaultMapName(); //Error
Caused by: com.esri.arcgisws.runtime.exception.ArcGISWebServiceException: HTTP status code {401 - Unauthorized} received from server at com.esri.arcgisws.runtime.transport.http.HttpClientConnectionChannelI