Apply raster function template on specific OBJECTID in mosaic template

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I have a single Landsat 8 scene mosaic comprising of "All Bands" divided between 3 OBJECTIDs.

  • OBJECTID 1: Multispectral
  • OBJECTID 2: Thermal
  • OBJECTID 3: Pan
I need to create a raster function template that applies the Apparent Reflectance function only on the Multispectral band. It has been specified online that the tag attribute is used to identify the raster dataset while applying a function template, but it still doesn't work on keeping the tag names similar to the name in the template.

Does anyone know how to construct this workflow of creating a raster function to apply on a specific raster dataset within the mosaic
